Tasty Eats - Thanksgiving Edition

I thought I would share what I ate Thanksgiving day and a few days afterwards.

My husband did all the cooking on Thanksgiving. For breakfast he made French toast with a strawberry and banana filling. He also made sausage and bacon.

Here is our Thanksgiving meal. I got a free ham from my work, so we had that as our main protein instead of turkey.  Our meal included Ham with pineapple, Stove Top stuffing, green bean casserole, and Rice-a-Roni. 

For lunch on Friday, I made grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. After lunch my son and I did a road trip to visit daughters in Kansas. 

This is a roll my daughter made for her Thanksgiving dinner. She claimed to have overcooked it.

My daughter made pecan pie Friday night while I was visiting her.  I had this for breakfast Saturday morning. She send some pie home with me, my husband claimed it was best pecan pie he has ever had.  The pecans were the star and not heavy sugary filling.

I know, this tiny tea set got included because I thought it was cute. It is part of a vintage doll house set. My daughter had them out of the way because it is a chocking hazard to my year old grandson. Everything goes in the mouth at that age,

After leaving my older daughter that lives in Lawrence, Kansas, I went to see my other daughter in Manhattan, Kansas. We had Pizza Hut pizza for lunch.

That is it for this edition of tasty eats. 

Future posts are going to include grilled mac and cheese sandwich and raisin filled cookies. I will likely never make either of these again. 

Related posts:

Just Winging It: Tasty Eats (jwirecipes.com)


  1. Mac'n'cheese sandwiches? I've never heard of this. That's a whole lot of carbs right there! You should run a marathon after that (those runners like to carbo load the night before a race) ;)

  2. Never seen before. Interesting and it looks delicious.

    Happy MosaicMonday

  3. The French toast looked yummy and to have it made for you was a bonus. - Margy

  4. Yum yum yum and luv those teacuos and saucers.
    Happy Mosaic Monday. I sm at #10 of the linky today


  5. We made homemade pizza last night and it sure was good. That roll looks yummy to me and so does the grilled cheese sandwiches!

  6. That sounds like a real festival of food.

  7. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and wish you blessings through the Advent season!
    Thank you for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/11/old-mill-of-guilford.html

  8. all look so delicious.

  9. looks like a tasty meal. The french toast looks great! Thanks for sharing at the Lazy Gastronome’s What’s for Dinner party. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  10. Sorry for the delay in commenting - I had to make an emergency visit to Ohio to visit my brother in the hospital.

    My husband makes an awesome pecan pie, and I love nothing better than to have it as "breakfast pastry". Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  11. Wow! That's a lot of food. It does look tasty!
    Thank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.


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