Benefits of Tea

 My husband had decided to make some mint tea.  He made it by brewing some mint leaves with black tea. He used 4-5 bags of black tea fresh mint leaves from our little garden-in-a-box.

There are some benefits of drinking tea. Green tea can benefit heart health, like lowering cholesterol and reducing blood pressure. Green tea can also help with certain cancers. Black tea also similar benefits of green tea, except that it has more caffeine in it that green tea. Black and green tea contain flavonoids (which is a new word for me) which I understand it to be high is antioxidant properties.

The benefits of mint tea include helping an upset stomach and could relieve cold and flu symptoms. 
I also made tea using chamomile tea and mint.  Chamomile tea has benefits that including helping to reduce stress and improve sleep.

I knew tea, especially green tea, had some possible heal benefits. I never know how healthy tea could be in prevention medicine.  I usually drink tea as a tasty drink.

Read more about the benefits of tea:

Check out my other tea related post:

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  1. I love tea and drink several types every day. Mint is one of my favourites, and black tea with a little milk. Turmeric is another lovely one though that can be a bit of an acquired taste!

  2. I love mint tea! We have a lot of fresh mint growing and will be harvesting and drying it very soon!

  3. sounds delicious - love the flowers too

  4. When I was young, we used to brew "sun tea", and add fresh mint to it. So light and refreshing!

  5. P.S. I was so caught up in the memory, I forgot to thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  6. Thanks for the tea info
    Happy Monday. I am #11 on the linky today


  7. We drink tea for health reasons too. My husband likes hibiscus tea and we both drink green tea! Good info!

  8. I love herbal teas and green tea but find that "regular tea" - whether iced or hot - sometimes doesn't settle well for me. Will have to check out your tips.
    Thanks for sharing at

  9. I love fresh herbal teas. Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party. Have a wonderful week!

  10. We are very big on tea drinking with a hot mug every morning!

  11. We don't care for green tea but drink black tea several times a day. For some reason (probably genetic, from my English grandmother and mother) I am not bothered by the caffeine in tea and can drink very strong black tea at night and go right to sleep. I'm glad tea has many health benefits, since I drink so much of it! :D

  12. I love drinking all sorts of teas and tisanes. The garden is a good source of all sorts of herbs for tisanes and flavour enhancers of the rather bland green tea. More on tea here:
    Thank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  13. Hi Julie,
    I love your little garden box, it is so pretty. I have some mint growing in my garden as well. I love my tea and drink it every day. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday, 542. Have a great week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  14. I think its great you've made your own Teas Julie. And I a so glad you joined us for T. This post was perfect and interesting. Happy new year. Erika

  15. Very cool that you made your own teas! I am super impressed with your garden too. Super post. Happy T-day!

  16. Peppermint tea or ginger tea to soothe an upset tummy. Regular ol' black tea just makes the day go a little better. Happy T Day

  17. Lovely planters. I do enjoy those teas but they're not made from that wonderful fresh mint that yours are. Happy belated T day!

  18. Sorry I'm late visiting. I've had no internet or phone since last Monday, but stopped by to say I was delighted you joined us last week for T Tuesday. It's great you combined tisanes with tea. I have several different mints, but never thought to add them to water with tea bags. Very clever, since I usually just crush the mint over the top of the tea. This sounds much better and a better infusion, too. Thank you so much for sharing this post with us at T Stands For Tuesday, Julie.


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